Tuesday, February 14, 2012

R.I.P. Mimzy, March 2007-January 2012

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It was a good, long run for our silly little guinea pig (5 years), but it all came to an end about 3 weeks ago. Poor little Mimzy; I knew she was sick, but I also knew she was old as far as guinea pigs go. I didn't want to spend a million dollars on an elderly rodent, as much as I loved her. I got myself all geared up to have her put down so she wouldn't suffer, got the kids all worked up over it too, then when I took her in I chickened out and opted for antibiotics, which the vet seemed to think would work. But it was too little too late and she died a few days later.

I had some sad kids for about 24 hours and then they acted like it was no big deal. Honestly I think they were the most upset about the fact that we didn't bury her in the back yard. They had all envisioned a shoe box grave, complete with a painted rock headstone. (She was discreetly disposed of in the one and only "Garbage Dump Cemetery".) When Carter asked why we didn't bury her, we told him, "Do you want Johnny to dig her up and you see him chewing on her dead body?" Carter said, "But they were friends! Why would he do that?" Nature can be a cruel, cruel world little man.

I'll be honest, I loved that stupid little guinea pig and yes, shed a few tears over her. I'm sure the vet thought I was a nut job, a 36 year old grown woman crying over her guinea pig. (Okay, I didn't really cry per se, just teared up and got a big ol' lump in my throat.) I still miss her little squeaks, but I can honestly say, I do not miss smelling a dirty cage. Not one bit. Rest in peace little Mimzy. I hope you're popcorn jumping all over heaven.

And no.... no more guinea pigs for this house. We got her because Jarom and Kate have cat allergies and I wanted a fluffy pet in the house. Turns out Alyssa, Kate, and me are super allergic to guinea pigs. Who knew?


Our Family said...

Funny how attached one can get to those little guys, huh?! That's sad that she's gone, but I'm glad you all enjoyed her for so long. We have so many animals buried out in the backyard and I'm sooo glad we've never accidentally dug one up - or had one of the dogs do that. :P

Lee Ann said...

Oh man you're a good momma! Glad everyone has healed and the sadness is gone. :)

p.s. my kids tried to get me to let them keep a baby mole they caught in the field. They wanted it IN the house! No way! I said they could keep it in the garage for one night. Poor thing was fed too many worms and crackers and was dead in the morning. :)

Aunt Betty said...

Mimzy is the first Border Collie guinea pig I've seen, God bless lil Mimzy, may she rest in peace, sad doings...