Alyssa ready for her first year at Girl's Camp! This is a big deal in our church; when you turn 12 you are then eligible to spend the week camping with other girls ages 12-18. I have some seriously fond memories from my times there and was excited for Alyssa to finally be able to go. I'll let her type up the rest of this post, as these are her memories.
Me and Lexi on first hike of the day! Here we are at the beginning of it with the creek we hiked along by the whole time. We had to cross it 3 times on logs in the air. It was a little scary.
Here is my Beehive leader Sister Searle crossing log #1! We were about a mile into our hike when some "beautiful" rain had to come and cancel the rest. We were all hoping we could finish through the rain, but it started to thunder and lighting so we had to "evacuate" the mountain.
Me in my lovely poncho. For almost all of the first day I got to where this thing. It was my Best Friend that day! We drove to camp to see how far the tents had been put up, as we had guessed none of them had been because of the rain. My dad had been part of the tent pitching crew and was underneath a tarp that had been set up when we got there. Most of the girls were good sports and helped pitch the tents when we were finished everyone got their bags inside their tent and huddled in the tents for a couple of minutes to warm up!
Here's my tent buddies. Left to Right: Hailey Rylee Symphany Keisha Me and Lexi! I loved my tent set up and hope I can be with some of the same girls next year!
Lexi wouldn't scoot in for the photo so she got a personal one!
This is still day 1 and this was taken on hike try 2! There was just such beautiful scenery on the hike and so many flowers right by the trail. I learned several new flowers that day!
Day 2 we got to go to a fun little place where you get to zip line to prepare you for it and for some extra fun you go to stations. First station onto the wood piece!
We had like 15people on this tiny little platform. Here's how we had to cross it!
That is Madison being swung over that small little log that if we touched we died. The story was that we were pirates being thrown of the plank but had a chance to come onto a platform in the water you had to swing over to the side of the platform then get on make room for another person to get on and not even fall!
Here is Keisha swinging onto the platform to join us!
Squished on the little platform is Lexi and me! Sorry the picture isn't the best there was no room on that thing!
About 15 people on and we are off to station 2! In this station we had to line up on a long log to shortest to tallest! I am a little shrimp and you can barely see me on the end. We all were told to just stand on the log so we did then the leader told us to get shortest to tallest, without getting of the log! It was a mess but we finally made it.
From the tallest end. To...
the shortest end! Madison and I say Hello!
Everyone was in line and now off to station 3! Thinking nothing could stump us now; we were in a big surprise when we saw rocks and were told we just had to not touch any of them and get to the other side! Easy enough until she pulled out the blindfolds! We had to get a partner and one of us was blindfolded and on the opposite side why the other was going to call out where we should move. Sounded easy enough until we find out it is a race and everyone is going at the same time.
Everyone was just screaming out instructions you could barely here who was your partner! We stumbled over the rocks and made it to the other side! Oh, when you were in the lead the leaders of course had to make it even harder! They would start a conversation with you and tell you to step where there were rocks and would make it impossible basically.
After we all finally made it, off to the real stuff! Time to zip line!!!!
I forgot to take a photo of the rock wall you had to climb up to get to the zip line it was like 40 ft long and so so scary at one point there is no firm placements and everything is loose! Once you finally made it up you were hooked to another belt and had to wait for your turn. While I was waiting I learned I had a slight fear of heights! When it was my turn I stood on the platform for several moments then took off!
Here I am having the time of my life. I loved it! I held on the whole time out of shock!
Coming down! I loved it so much and hope to do it again!
I didn't take any more photos I kind of forget about the camera in all the fun I had! We went swimming on the 3rd day and the place was amazing the water was heated, had a huge water slide, and a obstacle course that floated on the water. I am a little water bug and had a blast on everything!
I had such a great time while I was there and built up my testimony a lot in all the scripture reading I got to do! I loved loved loved girls camp and can't wait to go back!
And here's Miss Alyssa home, showered and clean, with Johnny who missed her very much! (As did we all. I was very glad to get my baby home and under my own roof. I'm so glad she had a great time.)
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Girls Camp
Posted by Elena at 11:38 AM
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I love how you had Alyssa narrate!
Wow!! Alyssa's first year at girl's camp, that's crazy! It looks like she had a great time.
sounds like a great time alyssa!
Nice blogging Alyssa! I'm so glad you had such a great time. I have some fun memories with your Mom from our Girl's Camp! Great times!
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