Want to be the coolest mom on the block?Just serve OJ pops for breakfast.
I got compliments such as, "You're a really good chef Mom!"
And, "Maybe we can have this for breakfast everyday."
And, "Thanks Mom!"
And, "I told all my friends at school about it."
That's right folks, I rock as a mom. :) Thank you OJ pops, thank you!
Wow - you get top mom awards!
4 nomination for Mother of the Year! Woo Hoo! If only it would stay that simple...
You are too COOL! I knew I should have bought those popcicle molds at Wal-Mart when I saw them. I guess I'll have to be only a substandard mom, unlike you ;)
PS...How do you make your background white like that when you add the collage of pictures you have made? Whenever I try and do that the area around the pics turns black :(
thanks for the idea! i can't wait to be as cool as you! :)
Yum, I'll be over for breakfast in the morning! I used to always make juice pops when I was younger. Grape juice/lemonade was my favorite flavor
Well, if I had known it was that easy to be the coolest mom...
Next time mix it with some vanilla yogurt. Yum-o.
well go mom---you're the bestest! oj pops rock and hey---you're givin' them their vitamin c, right?!?! ;)
If I could only get my girls to actually eat breakfast. I think that they just like to sleep as late as possible...roll out of bed and then hit the road.
Funny how the simplest things always seem to get the most rave reviews. I guess it just goes to show that we should stop trying so hard to be over-achievers:)
First of all... I want one now. Second of all - that's a GREAT idea - I totally remember those from when I was little and had forgotten! Thanks!!!
man, you totally rock! i love the idea of adding yogurt to it as well. sounds so yummy i could eat on right now.
hows that laundry?(:
I want to be just like you when I grow up! :) Actually, those orange juice pops DO sound good! I think I'll go make myself some for breakfast! :)
Must admit you are way too cool... I did it once with the strawberry orange juice and that was a big hit too, probably not as healthy.
Good job three cheers for you!
So my coolness status is suffering...so thanks for the tip! I am all over it:)
Great. Now you tell me. The answer was OJ pops all along? Do you think they'd work their magic on a teenager and her breakfast? Nah, I didn't think so.
Hey, the summer issue of the magazine Celebrate has some pretty good "pops" recipes...
Who knew it was this easy? I have some of these molds in my Christmas closet (don't ask) and every November and January I look at them and think, "Get those out and be good to your girls, Leigh Anne." Yet I never do.
Today...my goal...my life's mission...is to get those popsicle molds out. And make OJ pops for breakfast.
Thanks for the idea. You're kind of a big deal.
That is actually such a great idea~!
I have to agree - You Rock!
OOOh, OOOOh, OOOH, I just bought a new set of those! Maybe I can be a cool mom too! Thanks for the tip you cool mom you!
Kenneth was mentioning we should do something like that. He was even telling me how to make them and different kinds i should make. Thanks for reminding me.
You know what makes you the coolest mom is not that you let them have those pops for breakfast, but rather that you made then with that SUPER YUMMY OJ!
that is THE best OJ!!
Leave it to Trish to notice what kind of OJ you used. Food people notice stuff like that I think.
Look at all of those comments! For hecksfire sake! What's going on over here?
Maybe the post should be, "Cool blogger" instead.
super smart! Those would be really tasty about now!
That's right! You ROCK! Thanks for the fun idea. My kids would love it for breakfast too! Never even thought of it.
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