Christmas Eve we always open our ornaments and new jammies.
This past year Jarom has been on the "perfect popcorn" quest. So when I found a popcorn ornament, I couldn't pass it up. Carter got a soccer playing nutcracker. Halle got a dancing Clara holding a nutcracker - she says it is her MOST FAVORITE ornament ever. Kate got a Barbie. And Alyssa got a darling miniature cello. I usually try to get something for myself as well, but I just couldn't find anything quite right this year. I LOVE our ornaments tradition!
What is better than new jammies on Christmas Eve? I adore the cupcakes. And Grandma always wraps things so pretty; she had a cupcake ornament attached to each girls' present and a ribbon candy ornament for Carter. They go PERFECTLY with our candy tree in the basement.
One of the best parts of Christmas morning is busting through the wrapped doorway to the basement. My kids love this tradition. (So do I, as it keeps peeking impossible.) And just what was behind the wrapping?
Alyssa was completely surprised by a new electric keyboard!
Halle was REALLY hoping for a hamster, but Santa knew better and got her a professional art kit. She was extremely satisfied with it. (And check out the beautiful temple picture in the background that Santa left for me.)
Carter got some big Army toys and a gun that makes all sorts of noise.
And Kate got a new baby and stroller. She was VERY excited about the earmuffs Santa left too.
Santa left a karaoke machine for the family (as well as some fun wii games) and it was a huge hit...until someone dropped the microphone and broke it. (No one is fessing up by the way.) Thank goodness a microphone is an easy fix.
Jarom got a new dress coat, and I got a cute corduroy jacket and a jade bracelet. Fun fun! I just thought this was a cute picture of Carter and Dad assembling the goods.
Kate -silly girl- REALLY wanted a light saber so Santa stuck one in her stocking, and left one for Carter too. They've had a blast fighting each other.
The keyboard has been played pretty much non-stop. It has been fun to listen to but we are thankful Santa remembered headphones.
Halle has sketched all day every day since Christmas. She keeps saying "I feel so grown up with all this stuff." It is adorable. The girls also each got a Caboodle full of hair things and makeup. Halle has done herself up several times every day.
Carter loves his army toys, but I think his most favorite thing was the Lego sticker book he got. He has completed it, but still looks at it daily. And notice that missing tooth in the bottom of his smile! Christmas day Carter lost his 1st official tooth. (I don't count the freakishly early lost one.) It was exciting and there was NO drama what-so-ever. So different from the girls.
When she's not sword fighting, Kate can be found playing babies with her new baby Charlotte. She loves her; it is so adorable. I HOPE this isn't the last year I will see a baby doll on Christmas morning, but I have a feeling it might be. So sad. Why do my kids have to grow up?
Just a fun picture of all the grandkids (except Cameron) at Grammy's house on Christmas Day.
Grammy gave Pillow Pets this year and I think they were a huge hit.
We headed over to Jarom's folks for a delicious prime rib dinner and games after gifts at Grammy and Grampy's. It was a fabulous Christmas. I have to say, it might be the best one we've ever had. What a blessing, and I am grateful for it.
Really love the wrapping paper across the door!
Pillow Pets were a big hit here, too.
Happy New Year!
You guys always do such fun things!! I'm glad it was such a good Christmas.
Great Christmas recap! I love your wrapping paper door tradition. I think you have another year or two for baby dolls too. Happy New Year!
Fun Times! I love your ornament tradition! It's funny, I was looking at them earlier in December and saw a popcorn one and thought of Jarom. :) Happy NEW YEAR!
great ornaments as usual. so fun! couldn't you find a nutcracker doing yoga? (:
and it seems everyone was super pleased with their santa goodies. we need to have a karaoke nignt at your place. FUN!
looks like a blast. We miss you all so much we need a canasta night.
So fun!! Love the pictures! Liam lost his first tooth--the same one as carter--on Christmas Eve. He swallowed it, but Christmas day had a way of mending that little event :)
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