Sunday, April 11, 2010

Boy Scout Award

Last night we all went to support my Dad.

It was the Silver Beaver Recognition night for the Boy Scouts. The Silver Beaver Award is given to adult leaders who have made an impact on youth through their service and dedication to the scouting program.

And my dad was a recipient.

I can't think of anyone who deserves this achievement more than my dad. He has been a part of scouting ever since I can remember.

Congratulations Dad, you deserved this!


Mama Williams said...

That's Wonderful!!!

Dawnyel said...

That is SUCH a special award!! WTG, Elena's dad!! :)

becky ward said...

awesome! and that last picture of him. all i can see is CARTER. funny!

Trish said...

I love how I can see you in your Dad. I feel like I know him! :)

Crystal Escobar said...

aww, that's awesome! Congrats to him!

Tim and Stacey Cardon said...

How cool is that! I'm glad they recognize those leaders who give their all to serve those scouts! What an amazing dad you have!

Tonya said...

That is so exciting. I wish I could of been there. It looks like a wonderful slide show. Wow way to go David what a great achievement!

LouandAngela said...

He sure does deserve it. He and scouting go together in my mind (even though I wasn't ever a scout :)). Congratulations!

CB said...

BIG Congrats to your dad on his Silver Beaver Award! We are a big scouting family and know what an honor and how much dedication it takes to receive this for a lifetime of service to boy scouting!!