Wednesday, January 06, 2010

"Polka Dots"

We just got done running errands and we'd been in the car for a little while. When Kate got out she said, "My feet feel funny." I said, "Did they fall asleep?" She said, "Yah...they're making polka dots." LOL! Pretty good explanation of tingles from a 4 year old I think.


CB said...

That is actually a perfect description! What a smart girl!!

Unknown said...

That is HIGH-LARIOUS!!! What a great way to describe those wonderful tingles! I love it!

Gina said...

Way Cute- like my son telling me around that age that his brain hurt and it just wanted him to go to sleep- he gets migraines like his mom.

Trish said...

That's simply adorable!

Grammy said...

That is an extreeeeeeemly good explanation!!

Wendy said...

LOVE the things kids say. Tell Kate I see her polka dots when I get up too fast... :-)

Amanda Rigby said...

that is a really great description. I don't know why we are always so surprised when our little ones say something so smart. I usually am anyway.