Sunday, January 03, 2010


I can not get it through my head that it's the new year already. Crud, I'm barely believing Christmas happened. (Although my checking account tells me otherwise.) I'm not even ready to take the tree down, and it's not because I don't have the energy, it's simply because I'm enjoying my tree this year.

We did enjoy a fun New Year's party at Becky's house this year, but my camera died, so I have no pictures. I'll have to borrow some of Becky's to post. We also enjoyed New Year's Day lunch at my mom's with our family friends the Infangers. Their grandad passed away so all of the kids were in town at the same time. A rarity indeed. Halle keeps asking when she will get to play with Elizabeth again, apparently every 3 years is not enough.

2010 has already proven to be an exciting year. It started off with a bang when I got jalapeno juice in my eye. Oh my holy.....I don't even know what word to insert hurt like a son of a gun! I immediatly rinsed it with fresh water and serious thoughts of, "I. am. going. to. be. blind!" ran through my head.

I hopped in the shower (poor Jarom, he had the water running for himself) and yelled at Jarom to google what I should do. -What did we EVER do before Google?- A minute later he returned with a glass full of milk. He told me I was supposed to rinse my eye with milk. I did and... INSTANT relief. I really, and I mean REALLY, have an aversion to milk and tried not to gag as I dipped my face in it, but I have NEVER been MORE thankful for milk in my life. And good news folks....I'm not blind.

In other news:

  • The Zhu Zhu pet has been caught in Kate's hair. (Thankfully removed with minimal damage.)
  • I've returned my Christmas present(s) -curtains- and am waiting for new ones to arrive. (A blog post will be coming.)
  • I'm not sure if I have carpet or candy wrappers for flooring in this house.
  • And I gained just about every pound I've ever taken off, during the holidays. (MUCH work to do over the next few months.)

There are resolutions this year, there always are for me.

  1. Lose some weight. LOL!
  2. Run a 5K.
  3. More personal scripture study time.
  4. Make sure my kids are brushing their teeth! (Pathetic that this has to be a goal...but it does...this is life at the Manwarings.)

How has your 2010 been so far? Got your goals set?


Keys to the Magic Travel said...

I am loving the new layout! I wish I could figure out how to change mine up without paying someone to do it for me!

I can't believe you got jalepeno juice in your eye. I can't even begin to imagine how much that hurt. But the milk makes sense. Just like the only way I can even eat medium buffalo wings is with ranch dressing. I am such a wimp.

Mama Williams said...

Resolutions Ha! Maybe I'll post some...maybe not. I feel the same way about Christmas wizzing by to fast and after all your work getting the tree up I bet you won't take it down til February!
Christmas looked oh so fun at your house. (Not judging you-just laughing right along with ya fellow Mom!)
Happy New Year Lenes!

hoLLy said...

my hubby and i think that the zhu zhu pets will be recalled in the future because of those nasty wheels. they have pinched our kids skin and gotten caught in hair-evil little pets! :)

Gina said...

Oooh, I am so with you on the tooth brushing thing. My theory is that the kids came along in such quick succession that they didn't even have teeth yet when the younger was born- therefore teeth were not on my radar for a LONG time!

Trish said...

Love the list. I need the same list. Except I'd be making sure MY kids brushed their teeth. Not yours. I'll leave that to you.

Trish said...

How could I ever judge the mother of a boy in 5 day old pajamas?

Oh, heavens, I love that.

I feel like I've been gone for years!