Sunday, June 12, 2011

Alyssa Graduates from Elementary School

At Alyssa's 6th Grade Graduation Awards Ceremony, she was awarded a "Gold Scholar" certificate. This is given to students with high GPA's. I can't remember exactly what the numbers are, but I think it is 3.8 or higher. Alyssa is a straight A student and had well above 3.8 GPA.

She was also nominated by her teacher for the "Be Your Best Self" award. Given to those who are strong in these areas:

■Be Healthy - Be physically fit and drug free.
■Be Involved - Serve your community.
■Be Studious - Stay in school.
■Be Ambitious - Set and achieve goals.
■Be Responsible - Live by moral and ethical principles

It was awarded by the formerly-known-as-Jr Miss-now-known-as-Distinguished Young Woman from our city. Pretty cool award!

Alyssa with Mrs. Wahlquist. She has been such a great teacher for Alyssa.

And then we celebrated leaving elementary school for forever with a party for 20, YES TWENTY, girls from school. They had a blast and were relatively well behaved. They played Mofia, Bunco, Karaoke, Curses, No Bears Are Tonight, Ghosts in the Graveyard, and ate all the pizza and junk food their tummies could hold.

I can not believe Alyssa will be going to jr high next year. I remember thinking how far away 6th grade seemed for her, and now it has come and gone. Bittersweet for me for sure. But I am very proud of the beautiful, responsible young lady she has become.


Mama Williams said...

Just wait til you're sending her off on Trek and Girls Camp and dating! :) They're growing up way too fast!

CB said...

Congratulations to Alyssa - she is one smart cookie!
I love that you had a party to celebrate the end of elementary school - Way to go!

becky ward said...

HOLY MOLY! that is a lot of girls. what a fun mom! and way to go alyssa!